Tuesday 10 July 2012

Defining The Ideas About Choosing The Best Grass

First things first - if you have a lawn or you want to keep a lawn in your backyard, entrance, garden and even in the office area, there ought to be suitable maintenance like exactly what you also do with whatever things you have that require special care/attention. With lawns (specifically for natural turf grasses), proper watering, mowing and fertilizing are strongly suggested. Australian Lawn Concepts, one of several accredited turf suppliers in the Queensland area for example advises mowing as the first step to deal with the lawn. It says to mow once the turf already cannot be lifted or merely 10-14 days soon after installation in summer or that’s 14-28 days during the cold weather to achieve the best grass during the early stages. Also, only mow when the turfs are dry and its blades are sharp.

Ideally, it’s been said to never get rid of more than one third of the leaf blade to maintain its suitable height based on the needs and the lawn qualities as the height will even help retain its moisture and nutrients. Low mowing may easily damage your lawn so mow in the same direction where it’s laid for the first couple of mows to avoid it from scalping. In addition, frequently mowing but adequately will help develop the lush, green grass achieving the best grass quality you’ve always wanted.

Next to mowing is the right time to fertilize. To achieve a healthy lawn possible then fertilizing is what you do two weeks right after the lawn has been installed and then right after that, it’s going to be 6-8 weeks application for throughout the year. Otherwise, it’ll be scheduled at the start of each new season. Now when fertilizing the lawn, apply approximately 30g per square meter and water adequately. To help improve the color of the grass during winter, fertilizing should be done in the late autumn using slow release and organic fertilizers. However, nitrogen-based fertilizers can also be used to maintain its lush green color.

 Pest and Weed Control: When you have maintained your grass into its shape, it can be capable to resist that harmful pests and weeds however it’s still recommended to help get rid of these lawn worms also known as lawn grubs that prey on them at night through the use of pesticides. Moreover, you will be given tips on how to control weeds such as Bindii and Nut Grass that harms lawn’s root system through pest and weed control packages that you could purchase.

Who Can Help You? Obviously, you’re not doing all of these alone especially once the turf is freshly installed. You’ll get inclusive maintenance depending on the turf package you purchased so you’ll have no problems. Afterwards, you’re going to just pour in the final maintaining touches to attain the best grass. You’ll be trained about choosing the right fertilizer for your lawn and techniques on when to water, mow and fertilize. If you’re wondering about the good fertilizer brands in the market, go for Lawntastic Fertilizer nd Sir Walter Fertilizer. These two are notable for giving the quality performance in fertilizing lawns especially Sir Walter turf. These are accessible in several shops from accredited turf suppliers.

 Australian Lawn Concepts offer the best grass varieties for your lawn. Browse through the website now to learn what the best grass can offer you.

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